Japanese Mannequins

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December 27, 2012 by sensusdivinatis

tumblr_m5xp3f6Mzn1ryj217o1_500tumblr_mevx1udDky1r4bhy7o1_1280I love a Japanese-Jewish girl,
That makes me the king of the Jews—
I have seen the whales,
She was wet and stuck to me,
She walked dark and redneck
Through the streets at dawn,
I meet her in the park and lay her down on the cool grass,
I meet her on a tenement roof
And fly with her in her crystal eyes
To the Master’s palace on the moon,
I have the soul of a seven-year-old, immortal
Ice living in the heat of her soulful crotch dance,
I haven’t seen her since up and around
Oh, the moments before creation,
When Chaos should have taken his wife home and fucked her,
I believe in the power of naked karma—
The Japanese girl turning my screw, the Japanese girl
Who does what the Jewish girl used to do,
When I was crucified in the desert,
When I was on the mountain with Moses,
Kissing the tree on the lips in the wind,
I released on her face like Isaac did to his sodomite brother,
I changed her diaper and now have shit on my hands,
I am in Hoboken’s where it’s raining,
Where it’s always raining,
I called the Mexican but she’s not home,
Gone to the bakery on the corner,
In her mouth are teeth and gums,
Her heart an eye-like mandala—
Her geometric birth in an ocean of piss—
Was nothing short of miraculous,
Victorian time machines and 21st century guns,
Ah, how I love the throat of Lucille Ball’s clone of her clone,
Her eyes like gumballs,
Her square shoulders on the floor,
Raping the seagull’s mouth, her
Little billfold on the floor beside her,
Her harlot’s tutu ruffled in disarray,
Her Adam and Eve,
Her Isaac, her Hendrix at Watts,
I love the sound of her gargling,
I’ll admit to no blonde in the morning
How I submitted the night before—
I love a Japanese-Jewish girl,

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